Sticky Fingers is a self-made 2D top-down shooter heist game where you break into locations, grab as much loot as possible, and make a quick escape back home.

The game has a demo released on
Developed in Unity with C# for PC, it features:

Fast-paced 2D combat with a focus on pinpoint accuracy.
Quick, challenging levels with instant resets.
An adrenaline system designed to fuel non-stop action.
A physics-based looting system to ferry loot from one place to another.
Different types of weapons, all offering a unique playstyle.
Hand-drawn, doodle-inspired sprites and animations.

Below are a few GIFs of the current gameplay. With all of the core features implemented, I am now focused on adding content and polishing the game.

Gunfight in the jewelry store.

Blowing open the safe.

A quick escape.

Prepping the bags.